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Revelation 17-18

Nov 4, 2020    Cliff Lea

1. The content of Revelation 17-18
a. The Great ________ (17:1-6)
b. The mystery of the _____ coming (17:7-11)
c. The Beast, the 10 Kings and the _____________of the Harlot (17:12-18)
d. __________fall (18:1-8)
e. The world’s __________over Babylon’s loss (18:9-20)
f. The finality of Babylon’s _____ (18:21-24)
2. Life lessons from Revelation 17-18
a. The supreme Lordship of Christ fills us with great ____________ about our future (17:14)
b. God accomplishes His _____ even through evil people (17:17)
c. Live _____ from this world (18:4-5, 1 John 5:12)
d. Remember the _____________of boasting (18:7-8, Proverbs 11:2)
e. Joy often comes through the path of _____ (18:20, Romans 5:3)